What is MkDocs?
MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. It is designed to be easy to use and can be extended with third-party themes, plugins, and Markdown extensions. - https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs
- Log into the Linux device
- Run the following commands in terminal
# update software repositories
sudo apt update
# install available software updates
sudo apt upgrade
# install prerequisites
sudo apt install wget apt-transport-https -y
# install python
sudo apt install python3-full python3-pip -y
# install mkdocs
sudo apt install mkdocs -y
# create a mkdocs directory in user directory
mkdir ~/mkdocs
# change directory to mkdocs
cd ~/mkdocs
# create a mkdocs site
mkdocs new mkdocs-demo
# change directory to mkdocs-demo
cd mkdocs-demo
# start the demo site
mkdocs serve - Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP:8000
Read the Docs Theme
- Back in the terminal, press CTRL+C to kill the running process
- Run the following command
# edit the mkdocs configuration file
nano ./mkdocs.yml - Add the following line to mkdocs.yml
theme: readthedocs
- Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes
- Run the following command to see the change
# restart the demo site
mkdocs serve