Install MyBB - Open Source Forum Software - on Windows 🌱

What is MyBB?

MyBB is the free and open source forum software powering thousands of engaging, vibrant, and unique communities across the internet. -


  1. Download XAMPP Download
  2. Download MyBB Download
  3. Install Microsoft Visual C++
  4. Right click the downloaded XAMPP .zip file > Extract All...
  5. Right click the downloaded MyBB .zip file > Extract All...
  6. Navigate into the extracted mybb folder structure
  7. Rename the Upload directory to mybb
  8. Cut the mybb folder inside the extracted XAMPP/htdocs directory
  9. Copy the extracted XAMPP directory to a safe location to run from, C:\Program Files for example
  10. Run XAMPP/setup_xampp.bat to update the configuration files with the new server location
  11. Run XAMPP/xampp-control.exe
  12. Click the Start button next to Apache and MySQL
  13. Navigate to XAMPP/mysql/bin
  14. Hold the SHIFT key and right click in the white space > Open PowerShell window here...
  15. Type the following in the PowerShell window to setup the MyBB database
    .\mysql -u root
    GRANT ALL ON mybb.* TO 'mybb_rw'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'My44_rw$';

MyBB Web Installer

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP/mybb
  2. Click Next at the Welcome screen
  3. Click Next at the License Agreement
  4. Click Next at the Requirements Check
  5. Complete the Database Configuration as shown below

    Database Engine: MySQL Improved

    Database Server Hostname: localhost
    Database Username: mybb_rw
    Database Password: My44_rw$
    Database Name: mybb

    Table Prefix: mybb_

  6. Click Next after the table creation completes
  7. Click Next to complete the Table Population
  8. Click Next at the Theme Insertion screen
  9. Modify the Board Configuration form as needed > Click Next
  10. Create an administrator account by entering a Username, Password and Email Address > Click Next
  11. Click the Admin Control Panel link
  12. Login with the administrator username and password created earlier
  13. Welcome to MyBB
