Install phpIPAM on Windows [Open-source IP Address Management System] 🌱

What is phpIPAM?

phpIPAM is an open-source web IP address management application (IPAM). It's goal is to provide light, modern and useful IP address management. It is a php-based application with a MySQL database backend, using jQuery libraries, ajax and HTML5/CSS3 features. -


phpIPAM is not officially supported on Windows. Some features and functionality will not work, to include network scans. However, the tool can still be used to manually input and visualize network IP address layouts.


  1. Download XAMPP Download
  2. Download phpIPAM Download
  3. Install Microsoft Visual C++
  4. Right click the downloaded XAMPP .zip file > Extract All...
  5. Right click the downloaded phpIPAM .zip file > Extract All...
  6. Cut the phpipam folder inside the XAMPP /htdocs directory
  7. Copy the extracted XAMPP directory to a safe location to run from, C:\Program Files for example
  8. Run XAMPP/setup_xampp.bat to update the configuration files with the new server location
  9. Navigate to the XAMPP/phpipam folder
  10. Create a copy of the config.dist.php file > Rename the copy config.php
  11. Edit config.php in a text editor
  12. Update the database connection details

    $db['host'] = '';
    $db['user'] = 'php_ipam_rw';
    $db['pass'] = 'P4P1p@m!!';
    $db['name'] = 'php_ipam';
    $db['port'] = 3306;

  13. Below the database connection, add the following line to define the BASE variable

    define('BASE', "/phpipam/");

  14. Save the changes to config.php
  15. Navigate to XAMPP/php and edit php.ini
  16. Find the following line and remove the ; to uncomment them


  17. Save the changes to php.ini
  18. Run XAMPP/xampp-control.exe
  19. Click the Start buttons next to Apache and MySQL
  20. Navigate to XAMPP/mysql/bin
  21. Hold the SHIFT key and right click in the white space > Open PowerShell window here...
  22. Run the following commands in the PowerShell window to setup the phpIPAM database
    .\mysql -u root
    CREATE DATABASE php_ipam;
    GRANT ALL ON php_ipam.* to 'php_ipam_rw'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'P4P1p@m!!';

phpIPAM Web Installer

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP/phpipam
  2. The phpipam Installation web installer should be load
  3. Click the New phpipam installation button
  4. Click the Automatic database installation button
  5. Complete the database form as follows

    MySQL/MariaDB username: php_ipam_rw
    MySQL/MariaDB password: P4P1p@m!!
    MySQL/MariaDB database location:
    MySQL/MariaDB database name: php_ipam

  6. Click the Show advanced options button
  7. Uncheck Create new database and Set permissions to tables > Click the Install phpipam database button
  8. Once the database is initialized, click the Continue button
  9. Enter and confirm an admin user password > Click Save settings
  10. Click the Proceed to login button
  11. Login with the username admin and the admin password set earlier
  12. Welcome to phpIPAM