How to Install GRUB Themes 🌱

Install a New Theme

  1. Find and download a theme Browse
  2. Run the following commands in a terminal window:
    # change to ~/Downloads directory
    cd ~/Downloads
    # list the contents of the directory
    # extract the downloaded theme, replace the file name as needed
    tar xzvf 'Grub2-theme CyberRe 1.0.0.tar.gz'
    # copy the extracted theme to /boot/grub/themes
    # change the theme name as needed
    sudo cp CyberRe\ 1.0.0/CyberRe /boot/grub/themes/ -r
    # backup /etc/default/grub
    sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.bkup
    # edit /etc/default/grub
    sudo nano /etc/default/grub
  3. At the bottom of the file, paste the following, updating the path to the theme.txt file


  4. Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes
  5. Continue with the following commands in a terminal window:
    # update grub
    sudo update-grub
  6. If everything is setup correctly, a line that reads Found theme: /boot/grub/themes/CyberRe/theme.txt should show in the update-grub output
  7. Reboot to see the new theme in action

Removing the Theme

  1. Run the following commands in a terminal window:
    # change to the grub themes directory
    cd /boot/grub/themes/
    # list the contents of the directory
    # recursively remove the custom theme directory
    # replace the theme folder name as needed
    sudo rm CyberRe -r
  2. NOTE: You can also remove the GRUB_THEME= line from /etc/default/grub, but it is not required
  3. Continue with the following commands:
    # update grub
    sudo update-grub
    # reboot
    sudo reboot now