Try Out XCP-ng Hypervisor in VirtualBox 🌱

NOTE: This is a helpful exercise to get familiar with the XCP-ng user interface and terminology but is not recommended for production use.

  1. Download the XCP-ng .iso file Download
  2. Launch Virtualbox
  3. Create a New VM by selecting Machine > New

    Name: XCP-ng
    Machine Folder: C:\VMs
    Type: Linux
    Version: Other (64-bit)
    Memory Size: 8192 MB
    Hard disk: Create a virtual hard disk now

  4. Click Create
  5. On the Create Virtual Hard Disk dialog

    Name the virtual disk image XCP-ng.vdi
    File size: 120 GB
    Hard disk file type: VDI
    Storage on physical hard disk: Dynamically Allocated

  6. Click Create
  7. Select the VM and Click Settings
  8. Select System > Processor
  9. Give the VM at least 2 processors
  10. Check the Enable Nested VT-x/AMD-V
  11. Select Display
  12. Slide the Video Memory to 128 MB
  13. Select Network
  14. Set the attached to dropdown to Bridged Adapter
  15. Select Storage
  16. Click on the CD-ROM drive
  17. Select the disc dropdown to the right > Choose a virtual optical disc file...
  18. Browse to and select the downloaded XCP-ng .iso file
  19. Click OK
  20. Select the hard disk dropdown to the right
  21. Click the Create button at the top
  22. Change the size to 500 GB > Click Create
  23. Click OK to accept the settings
  24. Make sure the XCP-ng VM is selected and click Start > Normal
  25. Press Enter to begin the installation
  26. Select a keyboard mapping > Ok
  27. Select OK at the welcome screen > Press Enter
  28. Select Accept EULA > Press Enter
  29. Make sure the VBOX HARDDISK is selected > Tab to select Ok > Press Enter
  30. Select Local Media > Tab to select Ok > Press Enter
  31. Select Skip verification > Tab to select Ok > Press Enter
  32. Enter and confirm a root password
  33. Configure the network > Ok
  34. Specify a hostname > Ok
  35. Select a Geographic area > Ok
  36. Set the time zone > Ok
  37. Select Using NTP > Ok
  38. Select Ok at the NTP server setup
  39. Select Install XPC-ng
  40. Select No at the supplemental packs installation screen
  41. After the installation completes, select Devices > Optical Drives > Remove disk from virtual drive
  42. Select Ok to reboot
  43. Welcome to XPC-ng

Installing Xen Orchestra Web UI

  1. Arrow down to Network and Management Interface
  2. Note the IP address displayed
  3. Open a web browser and navigate to http:// IP address of XPC-ng
  4. Click the Quick Deploy button under Xen Orchestra
  5. Enter the password set during the installation process > Click Connect
  6. Click the Next button
  7. Set the web UI admin username and password
  8. Set the XOA machine password
  9. Click Deploy