Installing Airsonic on Windows, Free Self-Hosted Music Streamer 🌱

Downloads and Pre-requisites

  1. Download OpenJDK Download
  2. Download Apache Tomcat Download
  3. Download Airsonic.war Download
  4. Extract the OpenJDK archive to C:\program files\OpenJDK
  5. Click the Start button and search Control Panel
  6. Navigate to System > Advanced System Settings
  7. Click the Environment Variables button
  8. Under System Variables, click New
  9. In the Variable Name field enter JAVA_HOME
  10. In the Variable Value field enter the full path to C:\program files\OpenJDK
  11. Click OK to close all the open dialog windows

Installing Tomcat

  1. Double click the Apache Tomcat installer executable
  2. Click Next and then I Agree
  3. On the Choose Components screen, uncheck everything except Core, Service Startup and Native > Click Next
  4. Set the port to 8000 and Service Name > Click Next
  5. At the Java Virtual Machine screen, input C:\program files\OpenJDK > Click Next
  6. Verify the install location > Click Install
  7. After the installation completes, open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP:8000
  8. An Apache Tomcat splash screen should display with the version of Tomcat that is currently running

Installing Airsonic

  1. Copy the airsonic.war file downloaded earlier to the Apache Tomcat/webapps directory
  2. Within a few moments Apache Tomcat should see the .war file and extract it to a /airsonic sub-directory
    1. If this doesn't occur automatically, try right clicking the Start button > Run > services.msc and restarting the Apache Tomcat service
  3. Once the .war file has extracted itself to a directory, open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP:8000/airsonic
  4. Login with username: admin, password: admin
  5. Click the Change administrator password link
  6. Check the Change password box
  7. Input the new password twice and click the Save button
  8. Select Media folders from the top navigation
  9. Add one or more media folders and click the Save button
  10. Click the Scan media folders now link for Airsonic to begin importing your music library
  11. Click the Home button in the top navigation
  12. Scanning files should show in the top right of the screen to indicate the import progress
  13. Click the Refresh link on the left navigation to watch as artists are scanned and added

Optional Steps

  1. To remove the need to navigate to /airsonic, navigate to the Apache Tomcat/webapps directory in Explorer
  2. Delete the ROOT directory if it exists
  3. Rename the airsonic directory ROOT
  4. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNS-or-IP:8000/ to reach the Airsonic