Unlock Ouya Discover Store Full Games in 2020 🌱

Please note, this process will root your Ouya console and install several applications. If your Ouya is already rooted you can just install the included xposed-ouya-plain-purchases-1.1.0.apk and enable it in Xposed Installer. The included script removes Busybox, Superuser, and Xposed Installer before attemping to install them to make sure the correct versions are running.

Watch the entire video to see how the process works and the end result before running the script on your console. This will not work on 100% of the paid games and applications as some of the developers did not use the Ouya API purchase model and used their own servers for validating purchased apps.

Things You Will Need

Prerequisites and Downloads

  1. Download Ouya_Purchase_Unlock.zip Download
  2. Extract the downloaded Ouya_Purchase_Unlock.zip [password: i12bretro]
  3. Make sure ADB is enabled on your Ouya by going to Manage > System > Development and checking the ADB value

Running the ADB Script

  1. Connect the Ouya to your PC with the micro USB cable
  2. If you have issues with adb connecting to your Ouya watch one of my other Ouya videos to see how to install the Ouya adb drivers on Windows 10
  3. Navigate to the extacted Ouya_Purchase_Unlock in Windows Explorer
  4. Right click Ouya_Purchase_Unlock.bat > Run as administrator
  5. When prompted, copy and paste each of the commands below into the adb shell

    mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/APP
    cat /sdcard/su > /system/xbin/su
    ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su
    chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su

  6. The script will continue by uninstalling and then installing several APKs and then prompt that it has completed successfully

Enabling Plain Purchases

  1. On the Ouya, navigate to Make > Software
  2. Launch Superuser > Select Install
  3. Select Remember choice forever > Allow
  4. Click OK
  5. Exit Superuser and navigate back to Make > Software
  6. Launch Xposed Installer
  7. Select Framework > Check Don't show this again and Click OK to the popup > Click Install/Update > Click OK to reboot
  8. After rebooting, navigate back to Make > Software
  9. Launch Xposed Installer
  10. Select Modules
  11. Using the either a USB mouse or the mouse pad on the Ouya controller check the box next to OUYA plain purchases [1.1.0]
  12. Click the back arrow
  13. Go to Framework > Reboot > OK
  14. The Ouya should now be able to unlock the full version of most games in the Ouya store

I cannot thank Christian Weiske enough for reverse engineering the Ouya API and purchase process and hosting a static recreation of it so Ouya's around the world can continue to work. Show Christian some love at https://ouya.cweiske.de

Ouya Plain Purchases: https://github.com/cweiske/xposed-ouya-plain-purchases/releases
Further reading: http://cweiske.de/tagebuch/ouya-purchases.htm