GoldenDict - Supported Dictionary Formats🚩🌱
Goldendict supports many dictionary formats. The main formats are listed below. The file extensions of the supported dictionary formats are given in the brackets.「如下所述,Goldendict支持很多辞书格式(文件扩展名)」
- Apple OSX’s built-in Dictionary (.dictionary dirs)「
Apple OSX
内置辞书」 - StarDict dictionaries (.ifo, .dict, .idx, and .syn files)「星际译王词库」
- Babylon dictionaries (.bgl files)「巴比伦词库」
- Dictd dictionaries (.index, .dict and files)「字典数据库文件」
- ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries (.dsl,, .lsd) - lsd support only in mobile version「Lingvo词库」
- Lingoes dictionaries (.ld2) - Only in the mobile version「灵格斯词库」
- XDXF dictionaries (.xdxf,「XDXF词库」
- AARD dictionaries (.aar)「AARD辞书」
- SDict dictionaries (.dct)「SDict词库」
- MDict dictionaries (.mdd and .mdx files)「MDict词库」
- Zim dictionaries (.zim files)「Zim辞书」
- EPWING dictionaries「EPWing词库」
- Slob dictionaries (.slob files)「Slob辞书」
- Babylon source files (.gls, files)「巴比伦词库源码文件」
- ABBYY Lingvo audio files (.lsa and .dat)「Lingvo辞书的音频文件」
- Arbitrary sets of sound files「音频文件集」
- Compressed sound packs (zips)「zip格式的音频文件压缩包」
Online Dictionaries「在线辞书/Web网站」
GoldenDict supports so many online dictionaries that it almost impossible to list them all here.「只要是提供了搜索功能的网站都可以在GoldenDict中使用」
A few of the examples are wikipedia, Oxford, Lingoes, Merriam Websters「如维基百科、牛津、灵格斯、韦伯斯特等网站」
If you are using an online dictionary most probably that will work with Goldendict.「您使用的在线词典,都是可以在Goldendict中使用的」